COVID Health & Safety Plan
The health & safety of all the children, teachers and families who are a part of our center is extremely important to us. If you have any questions about our health & safety plan, please contact us at info@CoquitlamChildcare.com
We want to assure you that we are following all the Health & Safety guidelines recommended specifically for childcare by the B.C. Centre for Disease Control.
Our goal is to provide care in an environment that nurture each child’s uniqueness, hence we are committed to create this environment in partnership with parents to develop a sense of belonging. We also encourage learning through play and guide children’s behavior in positive ways.

We have implemented these guidelines as follows:
- Our policy is that no one enters our facility (child, teacher or otherwise) that is sick or is displaying the key symptoms of COVID.
- Parents are required to do a health check every day prior to bringing their child(ren) to the center.
- If a child develops symptoms while at the center, we will separate them immediately from the others and call their parents to pick them up. The areas that child was in will be thoroughly disinfected and sanitized.
- If a teacher develops symptoms, they will be sent home from work immediately. We have additional care provider on standby to ensure we meet the required teacher-to-child ratios.
- We have a strict sanitization protocol that all our teachers follow.
- Frequent touchpoints are sanitized at least twice a day including door handles, light switches, tables, chairs, sink handles, toilets, and toys.
- We have reduced the number of toys in each classroom and ensured they are toys that can be easily sanitized daily after use.
- We launder linens, towels, and any cloths daily.
- We complete a full deep clean and sanitization of the entire center by the end of the day.
- All children are asked to wash their hands during multiple times including upon entering and before leaving the center, mealtimes, washroom breaks, outdoor play, and activities.
- Our teachers also wash their hands frequently at the same intervals and in addition before snack preparation and after physical contact when assisting children.
- We ask everyone to follow proper respiratory etiquette including coughing or sneezing into a tissue/elbow and washing their hands afterwards.
- We have 1 main classroom hall, 1 separate nap room for our infant and toddlers, 1 separate classroom for our 3-5 year old and 1 separate diaper changing room in addition to a bathroom.
- We organize the children evenly across our classrooms to maximize the available space.
- Our teachers are scheduled to remain with the same classroom to reduce the interactions across different classrooms.
- While physical distancing is not always possible for our younger children, we do monitor and limit physical contact amongst all children.
- We arrange our table activities, group activities and mealtimes to spread children out within the classroom and increase the physical distance between them.
- We have also increased our outdoor time, especially on days with favorable weather.
- At this time, no parents or guardians are allowed to enter our center buildings. The drop-off and pick-up happens at either our main entrance or the outdoor entrance to their classroom.
- Parents are reminded to keep their distance from other families who may be dropping off/picking up at a similar time.
- The only adults permitted inside our classrooms are our teachers, support staff, supported child development consultants and practicum students.
- We ask that all children bring home their personal belongings every day and ensure they are cleaned regularly.
- For our infants and toddlers, we keep pillows and blankets on-site at the center (provided by us) and wash them regularly.
Govt. approved for Affordable Childcare Benefit
Fully Licensed with Fraser Health and City of Coquitlam
Certified Care Provider with Master’s in Education and Child Psychology

604-562-(CARE) 2273